- Architectural Design by Rebecca Key
- ACLU of Maryland
- American Red Cross of Central Maryland
- Baltimore Rowing and Resource Center
- Black Cherry Puppet Theater
- Bratt Decor Inc
- Electric Motor Repair
- ExxonMobil
- Ford Motor Company
- Governors Highway Safety Association
- Lexington Market
- MICA - Maryland Institute College of Art
- Maryland Women's Heritage Center
- McPherson, Berry & Associates, Inc.
- Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland, Inc.
- MYCA Group
- National Aquarium - Baltimore
- National Association of Catering Executives, Baltimore Chapter
- Neilsen Norman Group
- Sheraton Inner Harbor Baltimore
- The ASSOCIATED - Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore
- The Baltimore Sun
- U. S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs
- Virgil Bartram, Architecture and Urban Views
- Women's Business Enteprise National Council
- Women Presidents' Educational Organization